Booking Info
Check-in and Check-out
Arrival between 16.00 – 22.00. Contact me if you are unable to arrive within these times.
Room to be vacated by 10am – guests welcome to leave bags downstairs if they are departing later.
The rate for a double or twin bed and breakfast is £110 per night, contact me directly if you are a single traveller looking for accommodation. Camper van is £15 a night and tents £3.00 per person.
Babies and children
Babies and young children are welcome if they are staying in their parent’s room. A travel cot, futons and high chair are available and there is a baby gate at the top of the stairs.
Dogs are welcome: there is a downstairs space for sleeping/feeding and they will need to be on the lead around the house and garden. There is a forest with good tracks nearby where they can be off the lead. NB there are sheep in neighbouring fields and my garden is not completely fenced.
Minimum stay
In July and August there is a minimum two night stay.
A note about access
The guest room is on the first floor. There is a ramp up to the house. Guests with limited mobility would be welcome to use the owner’s room and easy access bathroom downstairs if needed.